Illegal Gambling Charges In California

A family that operated illegal gambling establishments in Zapata and Laredo pleaded guilty to several charges Wednesday in a Laredo court. Hilda Villarreal, 70, Raul Rene Villarreal, 47, Rebecca. SAN DIEGO – Twenty five people are charged in a federal grand jury indictment with participating in an illegal gambling operation that laundered an estimated $10 million in gambling proceeds through Chula Vista and San Diego card rooms in what is believed to be the biggest illegal gambling prosecution in San Diego county in recent memory. Anaheim, California Gambling ‘Slaphouse’ Raid Leads to Dozens of Charges. Posted on: October 17, 2020, 08:34h. Last updated on: October 17, 2020, 10:03h.

  1. Illegal Gambling Charges In California Fires
  2. Illegal Gambling Charges In California Today
  3. Illegal Gambling Charges In California State
  4. Illegal Gambling Charges In California County

California Penal Code Section 330

It is illegal to be a dealer in a game that is not sanctioned for gambling. The illegality comes in when someone is collecting money as people gamble similar to how Vegas does it and the various other casinos even throughout Los Angeles County.


Obviously, the more people involved, the more money involved, the more likely the authorities will find out about it and actually do something about it. They will prosecute the person pursuant to Penal Code Section 330 and that person can be looking at up to six months in the County jail.

When it comes to illegal gambling and the prosecutors and police enforcing illegal gambling in Los Angeles County by way of Penal Code Section 330, they’re not really looking to prosecute people who are just playing recreationally with their friends.

For example, a Tuesday night poker game or other game where people are getting together – even though money is being exchanged, this is not the police’s target when it comes to illegal gambling.

They’re looking at stopping those games where the public is able to come in and play, somebody’s collecting either a percentage of the money, or a dealer is getting some of the money or the house is sanctioning the game, because usually what ends up happening in those scenarios is in addition to illegal gambling, other types of crimes are being committed like prostitution and illegal use of drugs, so that’s where I’m seeing – over the course of the last twenty-five years of dealing with these gambling and gaming cases – the police actually coming in.

Somebody gets busted with drugs for example. In order to help themselves get themselves off, they then tell the police that there’s an illegal gaming or gambling area in order to get the police to not prosecute them for their illegal activity.

So, ultimately, these illegal gambling locations get busted up, people get arrested, and obviously, you need an attorney. And they’re not just going to arrest the house or the people who are getting the percentage of the money, they’re going to arrest everybody in there who is involved in the gambling.

Defenses to Illegal Gambling Pursuant to Penal Code Section 330

One defense that can be asserted when it comes to illegal gambling is that you were not actually involved in the illegal gambling.

I’ve had a number of clients who were arrested who were just present at a house for example where this illegal gambling was going on and the authorities scooped them up in a broad net and charged them with illegal gambling, but the reality is they didn’t have any evidence that they were violating Penal Code Section 330 and all they had was evidence that they were present at a location where illegal gaming or gambling was going on.

Mere presence at a crime is not in and of itself enough to prosecute somebody for illegal gambling. Other defenses would include that it’s just a game for fun with your friends. Nobody’s getting a percentage of the money.

Yes, money is being taken – people are winning and losing money – but there’s no house so to speak where a dealer or somebody else is getting a portion of all the gambling that’s going on. That’s really what’s being targeted when it comes to illegal gambling in California, and specifically in Los Angeles.

So, most of the time the authorities aren’t even going to get involved if it’s just small stakes and it’s a meeting among friends. The question becomes how they even found out about it to get involved.

Where the problems come in once again is when people are advertising, so to speak, in a gaming where there’s other criminal activity going on such as prostitution, illegal drug us, illegal drug sale- once you start getting into that ballpark where people are profiting and doing other illegal not moral activities, that’s typically when the police are going to find out in Los Angeles and they’re going to swoop in and they’re going to come and arrest everybody.

Even if they let some people go – just the fact that they swooped in, broke the game up and arrested a bunch of people – lets everybody know in that area we’re not going to stand for this type of activity here and if you do it you’re going to be prosecuted and arrested.

So, if you’ve been swept up in one of these nets, obviously you want to try to keep your record clean if it’s possible. You need to get a California criminal defense attorney, come in, sit down, we’ll go over everything in the privacy of my office and then we’ll come up with a game plan on how we can resolve your matter and protect your rights, your freedom and your reputation.

For more information on Illegal Gaming Or Gambling In California, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (213) 374-3952 today.

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(213) 374-3952

U.S. Attorney’s Office

For Further Information, Contact: Assistant U.S. Attorney Joshua Mellor (619) 546-9733


SAN DIEGO – Twenty five people are charged in a federal grand jury indictment with participating in an illegal gambling operation that laundered an estimated $10 million in gambling proceeds through Chula Vista and San Diego card rooms in what is believed to be the biggest illegal gambling prosecution in San Diego county in recent memory.

More than 200 agents from the FBI, Homeland Security Investigations and the IRS plus San Diego County Sheriff’s deputies and investigators from the California Department of Justice Bureau of Gambling Control served five search warrants and 22 seizure warrants early today at locations in Chula Vista, San Diego and elsewhere.

The search and seizure locations included the Village Club Card Room, also known as Seven Mile Casino in Chula Vista, and the Palomar Card Room in San Diego. The card rooms are also charged in the indictment, which was unsealed in federal court this morning. Agents seized more than $600,000 during today’s searches of player accounts and bank accounts.

Authorities around the country arrested 21 people so far today at locations around San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties as well as San Jose, Las Vegas, New Jersey, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Iowa. Five indicted defendants remain fugitives and warrants have been issued for their arrests.

These defendants, plus the two corporations, are charged in a federal grand jury indictment with various crimes, including running an Illegal Gambling Business, Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments, Failure to Maintain an Anti-Money Laundering Program and Transportation for Prostitution.

Four defendants were arraigned on the indictment in federal court this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Barbara Major. Craig Kolk, Ricardo Castellanos-Velasquez, Duy Trang were granted bail; Ali Lareybi was detained pending a hearing on Friday at 10 a.m. before Judge Major. The remaining San Diego are scheduled to be arraigned before Judge Major tomorrow. The United States is seeking the removal of out-of-state defendants to San Diego.

According to court documents, some of the defendants allegedly operated unlicensed casinos out of rented Rancho Santa Fe mansions. Up to three times a week, some defendants held intimate high-stakes poker and black jack games in extravagant settings that featured professional card dealers, prostitutes, chefs and waitresses.

Court documents allege that lead defendant David Stroj operated an illegal bookmaking business that extended throughout North America, including San Diego, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Chicago, Philadelphia, South Carolina and Florida, as well as locations in Mexico and Canada.

Millions of dollars in proceeds from the gambling events were laundered through the Palomar and Village Club card rooms, Las Vegas casinos, various bank accounts, shell companies, and a bail bonds business. The ring also operated illegal offshore online gaming websites.

“This indictment describes a massive operation that laundered millions of dollars in illicit proceeds,” said U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy. “We are committed to putting an end to any activity that enables criminals to hide illicit proceeds.”

“The defendants in this case allegedly acted as a criminal enterprise that allowed the proceeds from illegal gambling to be laundered through local card rooms thereby avoiding federal financial reporting requirements that help keep our communities safe,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Eric S. Birnbaum. “Today's indictment is an example of the FBI's commitment to work with our law enforcement partners to identity, disrupt and dismantle complex criminal conspiracies.”

“HSI is committed to serving side-by-side with our partners in the San Diego law enforcement community,” said Dave Shaw, special agent in charge for HSI San Diego. “This investigation has dismantled an illicit gambling operation with ties to money laundering and a cross-border prostitution recruitment scheme. Let it be clear, HSI will aggressively pursue any and all leads involving transnational criminal activity linked to the U.S.-Mexico border.”

“These defendants allegedly participated in an illegal sports gambling business, lining their pockets with profits from an illicit poker and blackjack business,” said Special Agent in Charge Erick Martinez of IRS Criminal Investigation. “Taking assets away from illegal operations is one of the government’s most effective tools against money laundering and organized crime.”

California’s Bureau of Gambling Control Chief Wayne Quint, Jr. issued Emergency Closure Orders on both the Palomar and Village Club card rooms effective immediately.

“These casinos allegedly engaged in money laundering and illegal gambling schemes that undermine the well-being of our communities,” said Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. “I thank our California Department of Justice Bureau of Gambling Control Special Agents, as well as our local and federal law enforcement partners, for holding the alleged perpetrators accountable for their financial crimes.”

The investigation, which began in 2013, involved hundreds of intercepted calls and text messages, border crossing records plus extensive surveillance and reviews of financial records.

Illegal Gambling Charges In California

Stroj, the lead defendant, is described as a large-scale international bookmaker based in the San Diego area. He is charged with conducting an illegal bookmaking business, conducting an illegal poker and blackjack business and conspiracy to launder money.

According to court records, Stroj and codefendants used offshore gambling websites, including, and, to manage his bookmaking business. Stroj used financiers, a business manager, sub agents, money runners, money couriers and debt collectors to conduct the bookmaking business and launder millions of dollars.

The bookmaking clients would make checks out to the casinos such as Palomar and the Village Club, or the Wynn and Bellagio casinos in Las Vegas, and the funds would be deposited into marker or player bank accounts, court records said.

During one intercepted call, Stroj discussed gambling income and how to launder it through a card club: “Palomar is the best way I can wash the money. I don’t have to report it. I just deposit it at the Palomar and there’s no problems for me.”

In another call, Stroj said: “Between you and me, the best way to launder money, you do it through these local casinos in San Diego…that’s how, if someone owes me a 100 ($100,000) and they want to wire it to me, I wire it to the Palomar and leave it in my player’s bank and they give me chips.”

Card rooms are legal in the state of California if they comply with strict regulations. For example, an owner of a gambling establishment must apply for and obtain a valid state gambling license from the Bureau and the California Gambling Control Commission (Commission). The Bureau's Licensing staff will conduct in-depth background investigations on applicants to determine whether they are suitable to hold a state gambling license. Suitability is determined by a number of factors including but not limited to the applicant's honesty, integrity, general character, reputation, habits, and financial and criminal history.

DEFENDANTSCase Number: 15cr2932-BAS

David Stroj

Matthew Greenwood

Illegal Gambling Charges In California Fires

Jeffrey Broadt

Jeffrey Stoff

*Arturo Diaz-Ramirez

Jaime Behar

Robert Stroj

Craig Kolk

Jean Paul Rojo

Joshua Jones

Ricardo Castellanos-Velasquez

*Alexandra Kane

Bryan Sibbach

Illegal Gambling Charges In California Today

Joseph Palermo

Thomas Mallozzi

Illegal gambling charges in california today

Stephen Bednar

Christopher Parsons

*Jeffrey Mohr

*Kyle Allen

Michael Hipple

Duy Trang

Illegal Gambling Charges In California State

Alfredo Barba

Ali Lareybi

Illegal Gambling Charges In California

Harvey Souza

Illegal Gambling Charges In California County

Naseem Salem



Palomar Card Club

VC Cardroom, Inc., dba Seven Mile Casino and Village Card Club


Two counts, Conducting an Illegal Gambling Business, in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1955

Maximum Penalty Five Years in Custody, $250,000 fine, three years supervised release

(Count one is the first 20 defendants in the indictment)

(County two is David Stroj, Jeffrey Stoff, Arturo Diaz-Ramirez, Jaime Behar, Duy Trang and Alfredo Barba)

One count, Conspiracy to Launder Monetary Instruments, in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. Sec 1956 (h)

Maximum Penalty 20Years in Custody, $500,000 fine, three years supervised release

(David Stroj, Matthew Greenwood, Jeffrey Broadt, Jeffrey Stoff, Arturo Diaz-Ramirez, Jaime Behar, Robert Stroj, Craig Kolk, Jean Paul Rojo, Ricardo Castellanos-Velasquez, Alexandra Kane, Bryan Sibbach, Joseph Palermo, Christopher Parsons, Jeffrey Mohr, Duy Trang, Ali Lareybi, Naseem Salem and Palomar Card Club)

Two counts, Failure to Maintain Anti-Money Laundering Program , in violation of Title 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5318 (h) (1) and 5322 (a)

Maximum Penalty Five Years in Custody, $250,000 fine, three years supervised release

Once count for each corporation

Two counts, Transportation for Prostitution, in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2421

Maximum Penalty 10 Years in Custody, $250,000 fine, three years supervised release

(Defendants David Stroj and Jeffrey Broadt only)

Illegal gambling charges in california state



Homeland Security Investigations

Internal Revenue Service

California Department of Justice Bureau of Gambling Control

San Diego County Sheriff’s Department

Updated February 4, 2016