Zebra Slot Canyon Dogs
The famous Zebra Slot. Our second hike was to the famous Zebra slot. The slot itself is actually very short and not very deep, but it has these beautiful striations and embedded moki ball stones which make it very photogenic. Photogenic, that is, if you don’t care about taking the same photograph that every other photographer takes, more or less. Zebra Slot Canyon is a very fun, family-friendly (we brought our 10-month-old) hike in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. It's less popular than Peek-a-Boo Canyon or Spooky Canyon, which means you don't have to deal with as many crowds. The hike is not as scenic as some, but it's still a very pretty and picturesque canyon and is very much worth the hike. Zebra Slot Canyon is one of the most interesting slot canyons in the grand staircase region of the southwest. The canyon is very narrow and fairly short but can produce surreal light and unique compositions with its striped canyon walls (thus the name Zebra canyon).

Sat 42 17 | Sun 44 18 | Mon 45 22 | Tue 48 20 | Wed 38 16 |
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Sat 42 17 | Sun 44 18 | Mon 45 22 | Tue 48 20 | Wed 38 16 |
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Zebra and Tunnel Slot are both unique and distinct spots. Often photographed, Zebra lives up to its name with amazing pink stripes. Tunnel Slot, as the name implies, is a short section of slot resembling a tunnel.
Bring your camera and the kids, this is a great family outing. The hike is reasonably short, with straightforward navigation. Though it can be brutally hot in the summer, it is still do-able with an early morning start or visiting in the evening. My preference is to visit in the fall or winter.
Getting There
Head east out of the town of Escalante about 5 miles on highway 12 until the well signed Hole in the Rock road.
- Turn onto the Hole In The Rock Road and reset your odometer. ( 12S 453596mE 4175370mN / N37° 43' 28' W111° 31' 36' )
- Go 8 miles to just after a cattle guard. The trailhead on the south side of the road. This is 0.2 miles before Halfway Hollow. ( 12S 460697mE 4165897mN / N37° 38' 22' W111° 26' 44' )
Zebra Slot Canyon Dogs Allowed
From the trailhead, cross the road and find a well-traveled hikers path on the north side of the road near the cattle guard. Follow this north while it meanders its way down to Halfway Hollow. The trail is well defined and well cairned. It will take 40-50 minutes to reach the bottom of Halfway Hollow. Near the bottom, the trail cuts left over low meanders and heads directly for Zebra. Follow it, crossing Harris Wash, and heading for the first obvious side canyon.
Zebra is wide open where it joins Harris Wash, but becomes deeper and narrower within 10 minutes of heading up it. Where it narrows, you may encounter a few pools from ankle to waist deep. 15 minutes up the canyon you will enter the short, but amazing Zebra section that ends at a small dryfall you can upclimb. This is the best section of Zebra. Above the small dryfall is a large pothole and the canyon opens. Head back down to Harris Wash when finished.
To reach Tunnel Slot, go down Harris Wash a little less than a mile (20-30 minutes) from Zebra to the first side canyon coming in on the left. Go up this side canyon about 10 minutes to reach the Tunnel. It can be dry, or a deep pool.
Return up Harris Wash to Halfway Hollow and follow the trail back to the trailhead.

Zebra Slot Canyon Dogs For Adoption
Trailhead | 12S 460697mE 4165896mN N37° 38' 22' W111° 26' 44' |
Zebra | 12S 463205mE 4168360mN N37° 39' 42' W111° 25' 02' |
Tunnel | 12S 464145mE 4167647mN N37° 39' 19' W111° 24' 23' |