Macau Gambling Age

Age limit for gambling in Casinos - Macau Forum. A holiday and wanting to look at Macau but 2 children are 19 years of age, will have to give Macau a.

  • Macau gambling age. The Ultimate Macau Casino Guide For Non-Gamblers. 22 November, 2019; by Julienne Raboca; If you didn’t come to blow your cash on.
  • Stanley Ho, the Hong Kong tycoon credited with turning Macau into the world's gambling capital, has died at the age of 98. Ho, one of Asia's richest men, was known as the 'king of gambling'.
  • We definately would look at the history of Macau, but for young people the entertainment the bars etc were more the interest then the gambling part of it. I assume the drinking age is 21 now as well over there. In Australia at 18 they are allowed to gamble go to clubs and bars etc. So they do feel restricted.

“Responsible Gambling”

For most people, gaming is merely a form of leisure entertainment, and the activity is supposed to be enjoyable within an affordable amount of wager; but for some people, gaming affects their lives negatively, and may even turn them into problem gamblers (which include compulsive gambling and pathological gambling behaviors). In the long-run, it is necessary to minimize the damages inflicted on players and the community derives from gaming activities. Thus the promotion of the concept of Responsible Gaming can enhance the public awareness to the gaming information, and guide them to make informed choices according to their personal preferences, reducing the adversity cause by gaming, and is beneficial for the development of the gaming industry.

As the gaming industry in Macao develops, with the expansion on the availability of gaming facilities, the general pattern of the Macao residents’ participation in gaming has shifted accordingly in recent years. According to the “Macao Resident Participation in Gaming Activities Survey” conducted by Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau in year 2003 and 2007, showed the prevalence of Problem Gambling had risen from 4.3% to 6%, and the results reflected that Problem Gambling is already sprawling into the local communities.

In order to minimize the negative impact cause by the gaming industry, the Gaming Inspection & Coordination Bureau and the relevant government departments, act according to their own functions, maintain close contact with the gaming concessionaires and civic organizations, to initiate works together in preventing gaming clients from becoming problem gamblers and to help problem gamblers returning to normal social life and work. In advertisements and educations, since year 2009, the Gaming Inspection & Coordination Bureau, the Social Welfare Bureau and the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming of University of Macau hold the “Responsible Gambling Awareness Week” every year, to inform the public and the gaming sector employees on the damages that can be inflicted by gaming addictions, and to assist the gaming participants in constructing a righteous attitude towards gaming. Also, to betterment the coordination on advertisements and educations, the Macao SAR government gathered the representatives and scholars from Gaming Inspection & Coordination Bureau, the Social Welfare Bureau, the Education and Youth Bureau, the University of Macao and the Macao Polytechnic Institute, in forming the interdepartmental “Responsible Gaming Work Preparation Unit” and planning together the responsible gaming policies and the general execution measures.

What is “Responsible Gambling”?

According to the precise definition given by the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau, “Responsible gambling occurs in a properly regulated environment where one’s involvement in gambling activities brings no harm to the gambler, family members, friends, other gamblers, or casino staff; nor would it lead to negative consequences for the local community and residents. In other words, Responsible Gambling is a practice that confines the gabling-related damage to a socially acceptable level”.

To achieve this goal, the government, the players and their families and friends, gaming operators, problem gambling prevention and treatment centers, educational institutions, and other communities, must cooperate together, to ensure the players’ decisions on gaming are made under the circumstances of their own consciousness, and also that their participation in gaming are done responsibly to themselves, their families, friends, and to the society.

Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment Centers

Prevention and treatment centers are public institutions that provide preventative and treatment services to problem gamblers. If you, your family, or friends are in need, the following institutes can offer help.

1. Problem Gambling Treatment Centers

2. Problem Gambling Preventative Centers

Responsible Gambling Promotional Activities

To demonstrate the rightful knowledge of the “Responsible Gambling” concept to the public, Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau cooperates with Social Welfare Bureau and The Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming of University of Macao to host the responsible gaming activities, and also co-hosts with the Civic and Municipal Affair Bureau and Macao gaming enterprises. The hosting unit through the organizing of series of promotional activities, to promote the “Responsible Gambling” and “Problem Gambling Prevention” information for the local Macao residents and tourists. After four years of uninterrupted promotion, Macao resident recognition to the term “Responsible Gambling” has gradually risen from 23.7% in 2009 to 58.2% in 2012, and the result is obvious.

“Responsible Gambling Awareness Week 2009”

In 2009, Gaming Inspection & Coordination Bureau co-hosted the “Responsible Gambling Awareness Week” with Social Welfare Bureau and the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming of University of Macau for the first time; a series of promotional activities were carried out from October 15th to December 31st.

Beside the invitation of the six local games of fortune operators to participate, the event also invited local problem gambling prevention and treatment centers, social service department of Gabinete Coordenador dos Serviços Sociais Sheng Kung Hui, Industrial Evangelistic Fellowship of Macau, Yat On Centre, Macao Catholic Family Advisory Council, Macao New Chinese Youth Association, Macao Federation of Trade Unions, Young Men’s Christian Association of Macau, Assoicação de Juventude Voluntária de Macau, and Bosco Youth Service Network to participate as co-hosts.

The purpose of the event is to promote the proper concept of Responsible Gaming to the general public, gaming operators, problem gambling prevention and treatment centers, and social communities, and also, to introduce the roles and duties of government departments, gaming operators, prevention and treatment centers, educational institutes and the players themselves, under the concept of Responsible Gaming.

Macau gambling ageMacau

The Main Activities included:

  1. Though the use of billboards to advertise the concepts of Responsible Gaming and demonstrated these advertisements in local educational institutions, gaming enterprises, and other public spaces. Local problem gambling treatment and preventative centers were invited for the billboards posting activities; other promotional activities included advertisements on public transportations, in theaters and though television broadcasting, in casinos and employees rest areas, and also inside hotels etc.

  2. Hosted the “Responsible Gambling Symposium: People, Practice and Policy”. Participants included scholars and professionals from Canada, United Kingdom, Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Macao.

  3. Responsible Gambling Awareness Survey. The purpose is to study local residents and tourists’ awareness of Responsible Gambling on a continuous basis.

“Responsible Gambling Awareness Week 2010”

Macau gambling age 2019

In 2010, Gaming Inspection & Coordination Bureau co-organized with Social Welfare Bureau and the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming of University of Macau again, on Responsible Gaming promotion activities; from the 21st of August to the 31st of December, a series of activities were hosted for the “Responsible Gambling Awareness Week 2010”. The local gaming operators and the problem gambling treatment and preventative centers in Macao continued to participate as co-hosting institutions. The activities were themed as “Responsible Gambling Behavior”, and aimed with the purpose of progressively strengthening the senses and behaviors of responsible gaming among the local citizens and tourists.

The Main Activities included:

  1. Though the posting on billboards to demonstrate of the eight perspectives of Responsible Gaming, including “Understanding the risk of Gambling”, “No ‘Way’ to Predict the result”, “The longer one gambles, the more one losses”, “Small bet is fun”, “Never borrow to gamble”, “Set a time limit when gambling”, “Don’t gamble when you are drunk” and “Seek help proactively”, in local educational institutions, in gaming facilities, and in other public spaces Macao’s problem gambling treatment and preventative centers were invited to participate in the billboard posting activities; promotion efforts though other channels included the advertisements on public transportations, advertisements in cinemas and though television broadcasting, posting in casinos, employee rest areas, and inside hotels.

  2. Hosted the “Cross-Strait Responsible Gambling Summit”. The organizing committee specially invited Professor Alexander Blaszczynski of Sydney University and director of corporate responsibility of British Columbia Lottery Corporation of Canada, Mr. Paul W. Smith, to give keynote speeches at the summit. Professional participants from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Macao attended the event.

  3. Responsible Gambling Awareness Survey. The purpose is to study local residents and tourists’ awareness of Responsible Gaming on a continuous basis.

  4. “Introduction to Problem Gambling and Responsible Gambling for Gaming Sector Employees” trainer program and manual; provide the above mentioned tutorial and manual for gaming operators and associates for the purpose of effective pedagogy of the contents for all Macao’s gaming sector employees.

“Responsible Gambling 2011”

The theme of the year 2011 promotion activities was “Responsible Gambling Operations and Responsible Gambling Behaviors”, and these activities were targeted towards Macao residents and tourists in broadly promoting “Responsible Gambling Behaviors”, and also to encourage gaming operators to promote and refine the “Responsible Gambling Business Code of Conduct” in order to help reduce the risk of casino employees from being addicted to gaming.

To broaden the recognition of the promotion, in 2011, beside the original six casino gaming concessionaires that already participated, Macao Jockey Club, Macao Slot Company Limitied, Macao Yat Yuen Canidrome and Sociedade de Lotarias Wing Hing, Limitada joined in the list as co-host units.

The Promotion Activities include:

  1. Hosted the first “18·21 Responsible Gambling Drama Competition”, which corresponds to Macao SAR government tuned up the minimum age of entering casino from 18 years to 21 years. The theme of the competition was framed as “After raising the restriction of entering casinos and betting centers from age of 18 to the age of 21, what changes and challenges Macao youth will face in terms of their gambling behavior, work altitude, and academic work?”

  2. Invited every Macao gaming enterprises and problem gambling prevention centers to participate in billboard promotion activities which took place in all Macao major public resting areas, gaming enterprises employee resting areas, and in major colleges, to demonstrate the relevance information on “Responsible Gambling Operations and Responsible Gambling Behaviors”. In Macao and Taipa, large outdoor advertisement billboards were being posted respectively. Advertisement products were made and given out to local residents and tourists; and also though advertisements on television, radio, cinemas and public buses.

  3. Hosted the “Responsible Gambling Forum: Business and Conduct”. The forum provided a platform for scholars, research institutes, gaming operators, problem gambling prevention institutes and gamers, to exchange and discuss responsible gambling works; the host invited United Kingdom and Australia responsible gambling areas expert scholars, such as Mark Griffiths and Lynned Bertolini, to present speeches on the specialized topic.

  4. “Responsible Gambling” prize quiz competition and lucky draw activities.

  5. Carried out a “Responsible Gambling” awareness survey, with the purpose of evaluating the level of “Responsible Gambling” awareness among Macao residents after the activities.


Brochures of 'Responsible Gambling 2011'

“Responsible Gambling 2012”

The theme of year 2012 was “Seek Help Proactively”; through the activities, the purpose was to advertise to local Macao residents and tourists about “Responsible Gambling”, enrich their knowledge to the local responsible gambling prevention institutes, and to encourage gaming participants with recessive gambling problems, and their families to seek help actively.

To provide more convenient and more comprehensive responsible gambling information to local Macao residents and tourists, and to enrich their knowledge on “Responsible Gambling”, the host unit announced the setup of “Responsible Gambling Kiosk”, and startup development and evaluation work in year 2012. On the 17th December 2012, “Responsible Kiosk (Pilot Test)” was setup inside the six casinos.

The Major Promotion Activities include:

  1. To accord the setup of “Responsible Gambling Kiosk”, the host unit conducted a “Responsible Gambling Kiosk Ambassador” training program, the content focused on the operation of the Kiosk, promotion and information related mainly to responsible gambling. After completion from the training program, students qualify as responsible gambling Kiosk ambassadors, and can promote “Responsible Gambling” concepts to local residents and tourists.

  2. Invited every Macao gaming enterprises and problem gambling prevention centers to participate in billboard promotion activities which took place in all Macao major public resting areas, gaming enterprises employee resting areas, and in major colleges, to demonstrate the relevant information on “Responsible Gambling” and “Seek Help Proactively”, and also the responsibilities of gaming enterprises promotion of responsible gambling and the hosting of related activities. In Macao and Taipa, large outdoor advertisement billboards were being posted respectively. Advertisement products were made and given out to local residents and tourists; and also through advertisements on television, radio, cinemas and public buses.

  3. Hosted the responsible gambling “Seek Help Proactively” drama competition, themed as “Seek Help Proactively”: including gaming participants and their relatives actively providing care, through actively seeking professional treatment, and casino exclusion etc.

  4. Hosted the first “Responsible Gambling Four Boxes Comic Creativity Competition”, the competition was divided into student category: “Whose Responsibilities” and open category: “Seek Help Proactively”.

  5. “Responsible Gambling” prize quiz competition and luck draw activities.

  6. Carried out a “Responsible Gambling” awareness survey, with the purpose of evaluating the level of “Responsible Gambling” awareness among Macao residents after the activities.

Brochures of 'Responsible Gambling 2012'

Snapshots of the Responsible Gambling Promotional Activities 2012

“Responsible Gambling 2013”

Co-organized by the Social Welfare Bureau of Macau SAR, Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau of Macau SAR and the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming, University of Macau, the Responsible Gambling series activities have been successfully held for 5 years. In 2013, the promotion theme was “Community Support” which aimed to arouse the concern and attention on responsible gambling issues to the government, gaming operators, problem gambling prevention and treatment centers, educational institutes, community organizations and local residents. In addition, we also hope that all stakeholders can actively participate and support our activities.

The Major Promotion Activities include:

  1. During the promotion period, the organizers distributed posters and roll-up banners to the gaming operators and problem gambling prevention and treatment centers. Moreover, we distributed more than 19,000 RG badges to the participating organizations and encouraged their staffs to wear the badges for one month or above.

  2. The gaming operators had held different RG campaigns in their respective operations. During the promotion period, they organized RG day/week and also provided trainings to the employees so as to reinforce their awareness on responsible gambling.

  3. One of the organizers – the Social Welfare Bureau of Macau SAR had subsidized six NGOs to conduct varies activities, for strengthening the knowledge of local residents on RG through interactive games. The six NGOs are Macau New Chinese Youth Association, Young Men’s Christian Association of Macau, Sheng Kung Hui Gambling Counseling and Family Wellness Centre, Macau Gaming Industry Labourers Association, Macau Responsible Gaming Association and Macau Federation of Trade Unions.

  4. Through holding the Universities Promotion Day, the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming set up game booths to promote responsible gambling in four tertiary education institutions, including the University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Tourism Studies and Macau University of Science and Technology.

Snapshots of the Responsible Gambling Promotional Activities 2013

Responsible Gambling Kiosk

“Responsible Gambling Information Pavilion” is part of the responsible gambling promotion activities, and is the result of cooperation between Gaming Inspection, and Coordination Bureau, Social Welfare Bureau and the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming of University of Macao. The purpose is to provide a more convenient and comprehensive way for local residents and tourists to access responsible gambling information, and to deepen the “Responsible Gambling” knowledge and ways to seek help, so to prevent and reduce problem gambling cases from happening.

On the 17th December 2012, “Responsible Gambling Kiosk” first phrase testing version was setup inside the six Macao casinos, including Casino Lisboa, Galaxy Macao, Venetian, Wynn, Melco Crown and MGM. By accessing the silent mode games, interactive games and prized quiz etc., User can learn the right gaming information and “Responsible Gambling” related information. Also, the kiosks are functioned with gambling addiction assessment, and can be printed out, with contact information of Macao problem gambling prevention centers. In addition, “Responsible Gambling Information Kiosk Ambassador” will promote the kiosk at specific times.

“Responsible Gambling Kiosk” (pilot test) unveil ceremony

Responsible Gambling Information Kiosk Version 2.0

On the basis of Responsible Gaming Information Kiosk Version 1.0, the organizers of responsible gambling promotional initiatives launched six Responsible Gaming Information Kiosks Version 2.0 on 28th July 2014, currently setting up at Macau Slot Co. Ltd. – Hung On Customer Service & Cash Bet Centre, Macau Jockey Club, Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome, Mocha Macau Tower, The Social Welfare Bureau of Macao - The Resilience Centre and Sheng Kung Hui Gambling Counseling and Family Wellness Centre respectively.

Responsible Gambling Information Kiosk Version 2.0 is not only based on the data of the first-phase pilot test to improve the content and function of the kiosk, but it also increases responsible gambling information about horse racing, greyhound racing and sport lottery. Moreover, the second-phase kiosks offer some new functions to increase its practicality such as self-exclusion applications, problem gambling counseling service applications and 24-hour help hotlines etc.

Otherwise, the six Responsible Gaming Information Kiosks Version 1.0 set up previously at six casino properties have been successfully upgraded to Version 2.0 and officially reopened for public on 13th January, 2015.

Report on Responsible Gambling

Report on Responsible Gambling 2009-2013

Economy of Macau
Currency and identity
Other Macau topics

Gambling in Macau has been legal since the 1850s when the Portuguese government legalised the activity in the autonomous colony. Since then, Macau has become known worldwide as the 'Gambling capital of the world'[1][2] or 'Monte Carlo of the East'.

Gambling tourism is Macau's biggest source of revenue, making up about 50% of the economy. Visitors are made up largely of Chinese nationals from mainland China and Hong Kong. With the entry of large foreign casinos from Las Vegas and Australia, Macau overtook the Las Vegas Strip in gambling revenues in 2007.

Until Western-style casino games were introduced in the 20th century, only Chinese games were played, the most popular being Fan-Tan. Generally, gambling in Macau can be divided into one of four categories: casino games, greyhound racing, sports betting, and lotteries. At the present time, Macau does not license online gambling operations.

Macau, a special administrative region like Hong Kong, is the only place in China where casinos are legal, and the business has grown at an astounding pace since 2001, when the government ended the four-decade gambling monopoly of the Hong Kong billionaire Stanley Ho.

Macau is the pre-eminent gambling capital of the world, grossing the highest amount of gambling/gaming revenue and greatly dwarfing all the other gambling centers/cities.[1][2][3]


Casinos in Macau

In an attempt to generate revenues for the government, gambling in Macau was legalized by the Portuguese government in 1849.[4] In the late 19th century, the government introduced a licensing system for the fantan houses (Chinese gambling houses). It is reported that over 200 gambling houses were required to pay gambling rent to the government.[5] The second casino monopoly concession was granted to the Tai Heng[6] Company in 1937.[7] The company was, however, too conservative to fully exploit the economic potential of gambling.

The industry saw a major breakthrough in 1962 when the government granted the monopoly rights to all forms of gambling to Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau (STDM), a syndicate jointly formed by Hong Kong and Macau businessmen. The STDM introduced western-style games and modernised the marine transport between Macau and Hong Kong, bringing millions of gamblers from Hong Kong every year.[5] The license was extended in 1986 for another 15 years but expired at the end of 2001.

Macau was transferred to the People's Republic of China in 1999 and became a special administrative region of China. During this transition, there were no changes to gambling policy in Macau.[8]

In 2002, the Macau government ended the monopoly system and granted 3 (later 6) casino operating concessions (and subconcessions) to: Sociedade de Jogos de Macau (SJM, an 80% owned subsidiary of STDM), Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas Sands, Galaxy Entertainment Group, the partnership of MGM Mirage and Pansy Ho Chiu-king, and the partnership of Melco and PBL. On 18 May 2004, the Sands Macau casino opened near the Macau Ferry Terminal. Today, there are 16 casinos operated by the STDM, and they are still crucial in the casino industry in Macau.

Economic aspects[edit]

Gold Bars at the Emperor Casino in Macau

The so-called 'Monte Carlo of the Orient', Macau's economy relies heavily on gambling. Nowadays, the gambling industry generates over 40% of the GDP of Macau. Since the early 1960s, around 50% of Macau's official revenue has been driven by gambling. The percentage remained steady until the late 1990s. In 1998, 44.5% of total government revenue was produced by the direct tax on gambling. Then there was a 9.1% decrease in 1999, probably due to internet gaming. After the handover of the Macau from Portugal to China, the SAR released gambling licenses to other companies in order to eliminate the monopoly played by the STDM. In 2002, the government signed concession contracts with two Macau gaming companies, Wynn Resort Ltd. and Galaxy Casino. This opened the gambling market for competition and increased government tax revenue significantly. It also attracted more tourists to Macau. At this moment, according to official statistics, gambling taxes form 70% of Macau's government income.[9]

However, the gambling industry is also a source of instability in the Macau economy, as the nature of gambling business is not susceptible to technological advancement or productivity growth. The gambling business is still dependent on the prosperity of other Asian economies, especially that of China. Due to Xi Jinping's promise on cracking down of corruption across mainland China, casino profits from across Macau have been reporting a decline in monthly profits[10] In addition, a proliferation of other gambling venues in the region is drawing the target demographic away. Macau's 2018 grew 13% over the prior year, but this lagged behind the 41% growth in emerging casino markets in Singapore, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia, according to Fitch Ratings. In 2019 casino earnings reached their lowest level in three years.[11]

Gambling forms[edit]


Macau has 41 casinos (as of 2019), of which the biggest is The Venetian Macao. Twenty-four casinos are located on the Macau Peninsula and 17 on Taipa Island or the Cotai Strip. They all operate under a government franchise and under a common set of rules.

The main casino operators in Macau are SJM Holdings, Galaxy Entertainment and Las Vegas Sands with respective revenues of 9.7, 4.8, and 4.2 billion in 2011.[12]

A wide range of games are available, including roulette, blackjack, baccarat, boule, Sic bo, Fan Tan, keno and slot machines.

Poker was introduced only in August 2007, in an electronic table format at Galaxy Starworld casino. The first live poker tournament was the Asia Pacific Poker Tour Macau event in November 2007. Shortly thereafter, in January 2008, the government of Macau published the official rules for Texas hold 'em poker games in Macau. In February 2008, Grand Lisboa Casino added the first live-dealer cash game tables. In May 2008, 'PokerStars Macau' opened at Grand Waldo Casino. In November 2008, Texas Holdem' Poker opened at Wynn Macau. 'PokerStars Macau' moved to a new location at the Grand Lisboa Casino in March 2009. Today, Wynn Macau, StarWorld, and the Venetian offer live-dealer cash game poker tables.[13] Previously, most casinos were non-smoking. This caused serious discontent from both operators and visitors. In 2019, the Chinese Ministry of Health allowed smoking in special rooms in most casinos. In February 2020, in connection with the spread of coronavirus, after a two-week break in the casino, a restriction was introduced.

Casino Lights in Macau
List of Casinos in Macau
NameOpening HoursSizeSpecial Features
Casino Lisboa24 hours107 slots and 146 table games (190,000 sq ft)Hotel with 1,000 rooms and 6 restaurants
Casa Real Casino24 hours123 slots and 53 table games (36,000 sq ft)Hotel with 381 rooms and 2 restaurants
Grandview Casino24 hours51 table gamesHotel with 407 rooms and 2 restaurants
Casino Macau Palace24 hours51 slots and 12 table games (11,120 sq ft)None
Altira Macau24 hours550 slots and 220 table gamesHotel with 216 VIP rooms
Jai Alai Casino24 hours208 slots and 61+ table games, 4 VIP rooms (67,075 sq ft)None
Kam Pek Casino24 hours71 slots and 24 table games; 4 VIP rooms (34,320 sq ft)None
Kingsway Hotel & Casino12:00 – 04:0020 slots and 8 table games (11,755 sq ft)Hotel with 410 rooms
Grand Lapa Macau12:00 – 04:0059 slots and 11 table games (12,140 sq ft)Hotel with 437 rooms and 6 restaurants
Mocha Clubs24 hours1000 slots (number of tables unknown)None
New Century Hotel & Casino24 hours19 table gamesHotel with 554 rooms
The Legend Club24 hours108 slots and 12 table games; 1 VIP room (15,000 sq ft)None
Sands Macao24 hours405 slots and 270 gaming tables (165,000 sq ft)51 suite VIP hotel
Golden Dragon Casino24 hours137 slots, 123 gaming machines and 85 gaming tables, 15 VIP rooms483 deluxe guest rooms including 84 harbour view rooms and 45 signature suites
Greek Mythology Casino24 hours228 tables (to be upgraded to 500), 100 slot machines (160,000 sq ft)554 rooms at the New Century Hotel
MGM Macau24 hours345 gaming tables and 1035 slot machines600-room hotel
Wynn Macau24 hours375 slot machines and 212 gaming tables (246,000 sq ft)Integrated resort with 600 rooms and restaurants
The Venetian Macao, Cotai Strip24 hours3400 slot machines and 800 gaming tables (550,000 square feet of casino space)Integrated resort with 3000 suites, convention and retail space
Babylon Casino – Fisherman's Wharf11:00 – 23:00
Casino Crystal Palace at Hotel Lisboa36 tables (14,100 sq ft)Makccarat tables
Diamond Casino at Holiday Inn6 + 1 VIP Room, 32 slot machines (6,900 sq ft)
Emperor Palace Casino64 gaming table on 3 floors of casino concourse & 8 VIP Halls, 365 slot machines
Fortuna Casino24 hours35 gaming tables
Galaxy Rio Casino80 tables, 150 slots, 4 VIP rooms450 rooms, 65 suites
Galaxy Starworld24 Hours300 tables, 371 slotsStarWorld Hotel
Galaxy Waldo Hotel and Casino24 Hours63 tables, 8 VIP rooms, 100 slots161 rooms
Pharaoh's Palace Casino24 Hours109 tables 5 VIP rooms, 383 slots (9000 sq ft)3 Presidential suites, 448 Rooms and Suites at The Landmark
Ponte 1624 Hours150 tables, 5 VIP halls and 20 rooms
Casino Marina at Taipa20 tables, 4 VIP rooms, 37 slots 45,900312 rooms and suites at Marina Hotel
Crown Casino, Taipa – u/c220 (80 VIP), 183,000 sq ft (17,000 m2) gaming space 500 slots
MJC Casino, Taipa19 tables, 2 VIP rooms, 15,800 sq ft (1,470 m2)3 Deluxe Rooms and 22 Junior Suites and 1 Presidential Suite and 352 Standard Rooms and 26 Suites
City of Dreams24 Hours420,000-square-foot (39,000 m2) gaming floor containing 550 gaming tables and 1500 machines; 85,000 square feet (7,900 m2) of retail space; Theatre of Dreams (1,700 seaters)366-room Hard Rock Hotel and 290 suites Crown Towers Hotel, Cotai. Grand Hyatt Macau (971 rooms).
Galaxy Cotai Mega Resort, Cotai450 tables, 1000 slot2000 hotel rooms, 50 restaurants, an artificial beach, a wave pool
Galaxy Grand Waldo, Cotai168 tables, 25 machines, 350 slots (120000 sq ft)
Casino Oceanus24 hours32,000 m2 on 3 floors containing 269 gaming tables and 569 machines[14]special facade, closest casino to the ferry terminal directly connected by a pedestrian bridge

Location of the Race-course and the Canidrome

Horse racing[edit]

Other than casinos, there is betting at the Macau Jockey Club and the dog-racing Canidrome.

Horse-racing mainly takes place every Tuesday and Saturday or Sunday at the race-course on the Taipa Island of Macau. The race-course has an area of 450,000 square metres and 18,000 seats for gamblers, and is open only for people over 18 years of age.

The Macau Jockey Club was formerly the Macau Trotting Club. In 1991, it was acquired by a consortium led by Stanley Ho. The Macau Jockey Club is one of the largest private employers of Macau with around 1,400 employees and around 1,100 part-timers.

Some statistics for horse racing in Macau
YearNumber of Visitorsoverall betting turnover
Ways of betting
  • On-course betting

There are over 210 betting terminals 'on-course'. All terminals can perform sell and pay functions. Punters may bet in Hong Kong dollars or Macau patacas. Bets are accepted up to the start of each race. Punters may place a bet by oral instructions or by filling a ticket.

  • Off-course betting

There are over 80 betting terminals in the Off-Course Betting Centres. 14 Off-course Betting Centres are located in popular districts of Macau and Taipa.

  • Internet betting

The Internet betting service commenced on 20 September 2003. Customers can review the Club's internet betting website at

Macau Gambling Age

  • Telephone services

There are over 600 telephone service terminals and a total of over 38,000 telebet accounts. The winning dividend of account holders may at their instructions be automatically transferred to their bank accounts.

  • Fast Access Terminals (FAT)

Launched in June 1997, the personal betting terminal, FAT (Fast Access Terminal) offers betting, calculation of bet units, record tracking of bets, account enquiry, withdrawal instructions and other related information on races such as declaration and race-odds. Close to 1,000 customers are currently using FAT.

  • Hong Kong Service Centres

Three service centres are now set up in Hong Kong including Shaukeiwan Service Centre, Sheung Wan Service Centre and Mongkok Service Centre.

Greyhound racing[edit]

Greyhound racing takes place at the Canidrome on Avenida General Castelo Branco. These races are held on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and weekends starting from 7:45 pm and there are 16 games on every racing evenings. Admission is MOP$10 (usable for betting) for the public stand.

Players can bet inside the greyhound racing centre, or in off-course betting centres located in the Hotel Lisboa, Jai-Alai Palace and Kam Pek Casino.

Gambling and society[edit]

The casino industry is viewed by some as harmful to society. A high crime rate was one of the biggest problems that Macau's colonial Portuguese government had to face. Since Macau's return to China's rule in 1999, the public security situation has markedly improved. With the growth of the casino industry, a business called 'bate-ficha' was developed and it is usually run by different triad societies. The bate-ficha business is an element of triad involvement in Macau's gambling industry. Bate-ficha involves selling customers 'dead chips' that cannot be exchanged for cash in the casinos, but only by bate-ficha men or women, who are officially known as 'gaming promoters' or 'middlemen' for a commission.

Triad involvement in Macau casinos makes a serious social impact on the local area. It attracts the attention of Chinese gangsters, whose deadly battles over the fortunes to be made from racketeering and extortion in the territory are a continuing problem. As different triad societies compete for controlled territory in the casinos and on the streets, disputes between societies occur from time to time. These are often settled in violent ways. Even worse, triad societies have grown so powerful in Macau that there was a trend that people tried to seek help from these societies rather than from the police. Although the situation has improved since the 1999 handover to China, the problem is still entrenched in the local area.

Gaming law[edit]

No one under the age of 21 is allowed to gamble.

Detailed law is enforced in Macau to ensure 'qualified operation of gambling' in Macau. The details are listed in Law 16/2001 (regime jurídico da exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino), and other laws regulating the activity of gaming promoters and credit for gaming.

The Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (known as DICJ) is the main government unit that oversees the operation of different gaming activities.

Under Macau law, it stated that a permit issued by the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau is required for the operation of lotteries sales, lucky draw or similar activities, and the initial procedure in the application on the operation of lotteries sales, lucky draw, or similar activities is to submit a notification to the relevant government department ten days prior to the application.

In the Macau legal system, gaming law is not considered as a branch of law in the traditional sense. Instead, it may be considered as a transversal gathering of a range of legal topics more or less directly related to gaming, including constitutional law, administrative law, tax law, company law, contract law, and criminal law. In this manner, issues of public law as well as private law are of relevance for gaming.

Tax law issues[edit]

The taxation of casino sub/concessionaires is made of a fixed part and a variable part. The variable part falls on the gross gaming revenue. The tax rate is currently of 35%, plus two contributions of up to 2% and 3% for social and economic purposes. The maximum tax is therefore 40%. In addition, a fixed premium is also payable, plus a premium per VIP table, other table, and slot machine. Gaming promoters pay taxes on commissions received.

Contract law issues[edit]

From the perspective of contract law, gaming and betting are contracts which may or may not generate civil or natural obligations for the parties. The matter is regulated in the Civil Code 1999 (art. 1171), which states, drawing from Roman law, that gaming and betting generate natural obligations except in sports competitions and where the law provides otherwise. The problem is that gaming legislation currently does not provide to this effect.

Macau China Gambling Age

Regarding credit for gaming, Macau law states since 2004 that the granting of credit for casino games of fortune generates civil obligations, which are fully enforceable in Macau courts. Credit for casino games of fortune is defined as any case where chips are passed on to a player without immediate cash payment of such chips; this is an intentionally broad concept. Credit for gaming is regulated by Law no. 5/2004, of 14 June.

Criminal law issues[edit]

From the perspective of criminal law, there are specific criminal offences related to gaming; see Law 8/96/M, of 22 July, and Law 9/96/M, of 22 July. Other criminal law matters are covered by broader laws: the Penal Code and the law on Organized crime. Game cheating is mentioned in art. 6 of Law 8/96/M, of 22 July. In addition, general laws on the prevention and repression of money laundering and the financing of terrorism through casinos apply.

Problem gambling[edit]

As of November 2011, exclusion of players from gambling establishments is voluntary. If the person realises that their gambling activities begin to cause trouble, they can turn to the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau to ban them from entering the casino. The government of Macau is seeking the opinions of the citizens on the possibility of establishing a programme that will allow excluding problem gamblers from all casinos without their consent. The Legislative Assembly is currently[when?] analyzing the new draft law, which also deals with the problem of exclusion from gambling houses. The law suggests that the person can be excluded from the casino if they submit their own request or approve the request submitted by their relatives.[15]

Other matters[edit]

Competition law matters, and advertising law, as well as the impact of WTO law on gaming, may also be pointed out as part of gaming law. Regarding online gaming, the Macau SAR does not currently grant concessions for online casinos. The current casino concessions only cover land-based gaming, not online gaming.

Academic research and teaching[edit]

The teaching of Macau gaming law started in 2005 the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Macau, in the undergraduate program of gaming management.Since 2007 it is also included in the master program of international business law offered by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau [1], in which various theses have already been defended in topics of gaming law.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ abBranigan, Tania (11 May 2011). 'Macau – gaming capital of the world'. The Guardian.
  2. ^ ab'Macau: The world's gambling capital'. BBC News.
  3. ^Riley, Charles (6 January 2014). 'Macau's gambling industry is now 7 times bigger than Vegas'. CNNMoney.
  4. ^Godinho, Jorge (2012) 'A history of games of chance in Macau, Part 1 : Introduction', in Gaming Law Review and Economics, Vol. 16, no. 10, p. 552-556, and (2013) 'Part 2 : The foundation of the Macau gaming industry », Gaming Law Review and Economics, Vol. 17, no. 2, p. 107-116.
  5. ^ abChan, S. S. (2000). The Macau Economy. Macau: Publications Centre, University of Macau. ISBN99937-26-03-6.
  6. ^'Macau Gaming Summary'. UNLV Center for Gaming Research. Retrieved 19 April 2012.
  7. ^Macau Yearbook 2007. Government Information Bureau of the Macau SAR. 2007. ISBN978-99937-56-09-5.
  8. ^'All you need to know, Macau Hotel'. Gambling Info. Retrieved 27 June 2011.
  9. ^Bloomberg, Macau Casinos Top Las Vegas as Adelson, Wynn, Battle Stanley Ho, 1 March 2007
  10. ^'Macau Gambling decline'. Yahoo Finance. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  11. ^Ese Erheriene (7 May 2019). 'Casino Boom in Asia Pressures Vegas Operators: Regions new venues aim to draw gamblers beyond Macau, U.S. giants' longtime hub'. The Wall Street Journal. p. B5.
  12. ^'Main casino operators in Macau'. Travel & Gamble Online Magazine. Archived from the original on 24 June 2017.
  13. ^'Best Poker Rooms in Macau – Macau Poker Updated Jan 2014'.
  14. ^video on www.oceanus.asiaArchived 1 February 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  15. ^Macau Daily Times: Gov't considers ban on problem gamblers

Further reading[edit]

  • Jorge Godinho, 'Casino Gaming in Macau: Evolution, Regulation and Challenges', in UNLV Gaming Law Journal, vol. 5(1), 2014, pp. 1 ff. [2]
  • Jorge Godinho, 'A History of Games of Chance in Macau: Part 1 – Introduction', in Gaming Law Review and Economics, vol. 16(10), October 2012, pp. 552 ff. [3]
  • Jorge Godinho, Macau Business Law and Legal System, LexisNexis, Hong Kong, 2007 (ISBN9789628937271) [4]
  • Governo de Macau, O Jogo em Macau, 1985.
  • Angela Leong, 'The 'bate-ficha' business and triads in Macau casinos', QUEENSLAND U. OF TECH. L. & JUST., 84 (2002)
  • Metaxas Theodore and Folinas Sotiris (2016) 'Gambling Tourism and Economic Development: Some lessons from Macao,' MPRA Paper 72397, University Library of Munich, Germany.

Macau Casino Age Restriction

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Gambling in Macau at Wikimedia Commons

Macau Gambling Age 2019

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